Civic Society banner
Limited Company No 12679442 Registered charity no: 1190645

The Hunstanton and District Civic Society


Hunstanton Heritage Centre

Out of Hours Bookings at the Heritage Centre:

The Centre is available for bookings by schools and other organisations for out of hours viewings,
meetings and courses. In order that there are no clashes, bookings should be arranged and confirmed
with Amanda Bosworth on 01485-534007.

The Centre is normally open as advertised with Core opening hours on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2pm to 4pm from mid February until we close mid November.

Currently we have seperate bookings as follows:

June 2023
Tuesday, 27th June - Wisbech Society
The group will be greeted by various members of the Society

July 2023
Tuesday, 4th July - Peterborough Local History group